I love flowers, the more the better! When we moved out of the
city I had all the room I needed to plant all the flowers I wanted
and I went crazy! I created more flowerbeds than I could keep up
with. I knew that I wanted to plant mostly perennials so I would
not have to re-plant each year. I spent hundreds of dollars
planting flowers that I really knew nothing about. After several
years of trial and error, and learning a lot, I have found several
perennial flowers that are not only hardy, but also very easy to
care for. These are what I consider to be the best perennial
flowers for spring gardens. They are hardy plants that need little
Daffodils – These are one of the first flowers to bloom in.spring.
Daffodils are just about the easiest flower to grow. They grow from
bulbs and are extremely hardy. Try to plant your bulbs early enough
in fall that the roots will take hold before the first freeze. You
should plant your bulbs about 3-4 inches apart in a hole that is
about 2 times deeper than the height of the bulb. Plant it with the
pointed end up. Cover with soil, pat down and water. Daffodils
prefer full sun, but as they will bloom long before your trees have
put on leaves, planting them under trees is not a problem. Dead
head the blooms once they fade, but do not remove them stem as it
continues to feed the plant. Once the leaves turn yellow or brown,
you can them snip the off.
Tulips are another early bloomer. They too are grown
from bulbs and need to be planted a few weeks before the first
frost. With tulips, there are “early” bloomers, “mid”
bloomers and “late” bloomers. You may want to stagger these
different bloomers in order to have a continuous blooming tulip bed
for a longer period of time. Tulips need to be planted in a sunny
location. Plant the bulbs about 6 inches apart and about 2 inches
below the ground for best results. You will want to remove the
bloom just as it starts to fade. Leave the stem, as it will
continue to feed the plant. Once the leaves have turned yellow, you
can gently pull them off or snip them off if you prefer. It you
leave the leaves alone, they will eventually just fall off.
Hyacinth are one of the most popular spring
flowering bulbs. Their most common colors are pink, purple and
white. Hyacinth are a very fragrant flower and many are grown
indoors in early spring for their fragrance. They are low growing
plants and many people plant them in planters outside about
“sniffing” range, so they can enjoy their fragrance as they
walk by. Plant Hyacinth 6-8 inches deep. Space plants six inches
apart. They can be planted in rows, or in groups. Just be sure not
to let them get over crowded. Again, being bulbs, the best time to
plant Hyacinth are a few weeks before the first freeze, in order
for the roots to have time to take hold. Plant them about 6 inches
deep, pointed end up. Cover with soil, give one good watering and
wait for spring. Once the blooms have faded, dead head the plant,
but no the stem as they will continue to feed the plant. Once the
leaves have turned yellow or brown, you can snip the off, but they
will normally just fall off.
Crocus need very little care and are always one of
the very first flowers to pop up even before spring has actually
spring. I have seen them blooming while surrounded in snow! Plant
them in “drifts” in sun to part shade. The need to be plated
about 3-4 inches apart and about 3-6 inches deep. They are hard
from zones 4-8. The most likely reason for crocus to not do well is
overwatering. They like water in spring and fall, but you can
actually over water them in summer, so don’t plant them near
other plants that you will be watering often.
Iris is another flower that blooms a little later in
the spring. They grow from rhizomes and are perennials. They come
in many different colors and their leaves will add beauty to your
flower garden even after the flowers have stopped blooming. The
best time to plant your rhizomes are in early fall. Again, you want
to be sure that the roots have time to take hold before the first
freeze. Don’t plant them deep. They need to be planted to the top
of the rhizome is just below the ground. Iris need at least half a
day of sun and good drainage. I plant mine about 6 inches apart.
They look beautiful in clumps but getting them too close together
can cause them to not bloom well. You may need to thin them out
from time to time as they put on new plants.
Creeping Phlox
Creeping Phlox is also known as Moss Phlox. It is a very hardy plant that blooms early spring. Phlox should be planted in full sun, but in really hot regions, it may need some afternoon shade. If you are planting by seed, you will want to plant before the last frost in spring. Plant you seeds approximately 17-18 inches apart and about 1 inch deep. Keep the soil moist until they have had time to establish their roots. You may want to trim them back or “dead head” them after their first bloom to encourage new growth. This is an excellent plant to have “spilling” over the edge of raised flowerbeds.I hope I have given you some useful information here about the best perennial flowers to grow in your spring garden. These plants are all hardy plants they need little care. These perennials should be hardy for zones 5-8. Happy planting!
Dear Jerry Harden, this content is not yours. You have copied an article of mine word for word, including my copy written pictures. I would suggest you remove this from your website or I will be forced to submit a complaint!